Previously, Google android os as the owner has released version 4.4 that is derived from the name of the Kitkat chocolate bars. Now Google will launch android version IE 5.0 terbarunnya Lollipop candy originating from the handled. The launch of terbarunnya this will be coupled with the latest Nexus, Nexus and Nexus smarphone 6 for 9 for tablets.
In addition to device Nexus 6 and 9, Android Nexus 5.0 Lollipop will also be available for some devices, such as Nexus Nexus 4, 5, 7, and 10. All of these devices will be available in Google Play in the coming week.
Android 5.0 Lollipop is considered one of the most significant update
in the history of android, it can be seen from the features that
dibawannya here.
New "Material" Design a new visual Language Android inspired by nature, fisikan and bold, graphic display look like mold. Google is very specific about how android works on the screen of the user's device.
Android latest version 5.0 Lollipop
Android on alll Screen
Lollipo Android uses the concept of an all-screen that can adjust the device when in the use of mobile phones, tablet, TV, cars, watches, and home electronics. This is similar to the one run by Microsoft in windows update
New design Notification
Android Lollipop get a new design. Improved notification system is able to display the priority and hide it. To display other notification, users stay mengeser to the bottom.
The other new feature is the appearance of the application that is being used by users above. This feature makes it easy for the user not to switch the display. Not only that, the users also can easily override or melanjutinnya.
64 bit Compiler ART ART compiler significantly optimize the working memory and the application when loading, so Google promises performance up to two times faster.
Volta project to increase battery life
volta project is an additional new tools that allow developers to more easily find out how and why an application affects battery life.
There is also a built-in Battery Mode Server, it worked when the battery is being weakened so the system will lower the keerahan light, the work of the CPU, and the background update.
Recent apps menu new
Recent tabs with the tabs chrome split into separate. The tab is not based on both sides and on one tab, but with some of the teb to the top. It is very well suited for the position at the time of potrait.
Context-aware unlocking
Personal unlocking is a smart concept which uses a Bluetooth device. That cell phones or tablets are connected at a location near the user, even a unique sound. In the demo, screen phone will be connected with the Smartwatch users.
The workings of this system is that if a cell phone in the keep of the smartwatch users then the lock pattern will appear. So the phone recognize smartwatch, and detect bahwapengguna not far away. It is applied in order to prevent things that are unwanted.
Separate work and play
Android Lollipop makes it easy for the user to use the device for two types of devices namely, work and play. Here's how to keep the data in order to separate from the second.
Improvement Of The Search Konstektual
Google search will be even better in the record what users did before. One of the priorities is the use of the search feature of Google Earth search.
The new API support, Bluetooth 2.1, USB audio and photo Burst mode
Android SDK Lollipop will contain support for the thousands of new APIs.
Title :
Android latest version 5.0 Lollipop
Description : Previously , Google android os as the owner has released version 4.4 that is derived from the name of the Kitkat chocolate bars...
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